At dawn this morning, Apple released iOS 15.4.1 to the public to add security patches and fix backlogs from the previous version. At the beginning of this month, the company officially launched a major update - iOS 15.4 with many notable changes such as new emojis, Face ID support when wearing a mask, filtering options in the Podcast app, etc. . It is quite normal for "apple to bite" to continue rolling out minor releases later to fix the problem.
To update your iPhone to iOS 15.4.1:
- Open the Settings app.
- Click General.
- Click Software Update .
- Wait for the page to load the content of the update.
- Once the update appears, click the Download and Install button.
- Agree to terms and conditions when prompted.
- Wait for the update to download and install.
Note that keeping your iPhone connected to a stable power source and WiFi will minimize errors caused by the upgrade process being stuck. Even if you are updating, the device runs out of battery, it will cause a very dangerous brick phenomenon to your data.
This update is available to all iPhones that support iOS 15. So if you own an iPhone 6S or later model, you'll be able to upgrade to it via OTA. The company provided all the features they introduced in WWDC21
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